About NoahStrong

2018 Noah hockey card

Mission & Values

The NoahStrong organization emerged from the enormous impact of Noah Dugas who humbly united and inspired communities through exemplary values of kindness, compassion, determination and bravery.

Our mission is to honour Noah's legacy by supporting families and communities. We promote, facilitate and celebrate acts of kindness, selflessness and resiliency.

NoahStrong will fulfill its mission of community unity and support through the following value-driven activation platforms.

We Believe In

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Empowering Youth

Empowering and supporting youth to become strong, resilient and community-oriented leaders:

  • through educational outreach programs rooted in positive affirmations
  • through celebratory awards and bursary initiatives

The NoahStrong Ambassador program invites individuals to take the NoahStrong Pledge to do their best every day to be kind, to be strong, to be helpful, to do hard things, to reach their goals, to be a leader, to be resilient, to be brave, and to be loved.

For more information on the NoahStrong School Program, please contact us at [email protected]

Organ Donation Awareness

Raising organ donation awareness and consideration for people of all ages:

Organ donation can turn tragedy into triumph and sorrow and loss into a gift of life and opportunity for others. NoahStrong is committed to enhancing more lives of Ontarians waiting for life saving transplants by advocating for organ and tissue donation consent.

The Gift of 8 campaign recognizes that one organ donor can possibly save up to eight lives and enhance the lives of 75 others through tissue donation. Noah’s organ donation gave hope and health to seven individuals and their families. Because of his caring and compassionate nature, Noah lives on. His story of selflessness and courage inspires needed conversations and action around organ donation and registry. You can check your status and register consent to be an organ donor by clicking on Noah’s personal campaign page. It just takes two minutes and you could one day help to saves lives, just like Noah did.”

Partnering with the Trillium Gift of Life Network and the Be A Donor campaign


Supporting Families in Crisis

Supporting families in crisis as they face medical emergencies:

Unexpected medical emergencies can be scary, confusing and stressful for patients and families. Noah’s family found themselves in this situation when they had to suddenly leave their hometown and rush to Ottawa and Toronto for Noah’s emergency care. The support and encouragement that Noah and his family received sustained them on their challenging journey. Their experience and insights inspired the need to provide families with essential comfort items during such trying times.

NoahStrong ‘Comfort Packs’ provide families with comfort items and essentials to assist them as they navigate their crisis. NoahStrong ‘Comfort Packs’ are a reminder that you are not alone.


Understanding Youth Stroke

Advancing information and understanding about youth stroke:

NoahStrong partners with healthcare professionals to provide information so parents, families, coaches, teachers and others, recognize the early signs of stroke so medical attention can be sought.

Noah's symptoms came on very suddenly while taking part in sports. It was difficult for medical professionals to recognize it as symptoms of a stroke given that Noah was such a young and healthy person. Even at this present time, a team of doctors is still questioning the cause of Noah's stroke and ultimately the reason for his death. A significant part of Noah's rehabilitation was spent at the Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital. The care he received was instrumental in giving hope and strength to him and his family through this difficult time. The NoahStrong organization supports the efforts of the Bloorview Research Institute (BRI) to advance pediatric rehabilitation research by providing an annual monetary donation in honour of Noah Dugas.

Partnering with Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation HospitalHeart & Stroke Foundation of Canada, and Achieving Beyond Brain Injury Cheritable Foundation.

Our Team Members

Operations Team

Jody Luesby-Dugas – President and CEO

Cindy Luesby Gravelle

Kara Rotondo

Youth Advisor

Jorja Dugas

Board of Directors

Dave Dugas

Glen Gravelle

Dee Lafrance Horning

Khouri Long

Kelly Turcotte

Matt Rabideau

“Noah lived his life with great compassion, empathy, and love for others. He left a lasting impression on our youth and community.”